The Coming Race Wars

In Matthew 24 Jesus briefly summarizes the end times. He introduces it with a warning not to be deceived, then a sample of signs that are like birth pains leading up to the climax of history, including this sign:

“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”

This has often been interpreted to mean “wars and civil wars.” That does make sense, and certainly reflects what we’ve been seeing with increasing frequency and intensity.

However, a friend recently pointed out the Greek text this was interpreted from, which makes this prophecy even more specific, more alarming, and more relevant to what we see going on: the word “nation” was translated from the word “ethnos.” That should sound familiar to you–it’s the root of words we use like “ethnic” and “ethnicity.”

In other words, Jesus was using the term “nation” according to its Biblical definition (as in Genesis, for instance) instead of our modern definition of a nation as a strictly political entity. Which of course makes sense, though I can’t number how many times I’ve read this prophecy in English and never considered that possibility. It seems the Messiah was predicting race wars.

Indeed, well before this insight, I could see the effects of our enemy fomenting racial strife. And I don’t mean just the redneck or white supremacist kind–though that’s the only kind you’ll ever see portrayed in movies or on TV, or hear acknowledged in the news.

Some insist that it’s impossible for a non-white individual to be a racist; but that’s not only a bald-faced lie, the assertion itself is racist. It assumes that those with a certain skin color or genetic strand are morally superior, simply by virtue of their being born with that skin color or genetic strand.

I am surrounded by Hispanics and African-Americans on a daily basis. While they certainly have prejudices against each other, their hatred of whites (white male heterosexuals in particular) becomes more blatant by the day.

In fact, racial strife is a lucrative industry. There are those whose livlihoods depend on maintaining racial hatred.

Professional_Race_BaitersThe news media edited the 911 recording related to the Trayvon Martin case in order to sell it as a racially motivated crime. There has been careful manipulation of the facts surrounding the Ferguson, Missouri incident as well, in order to define the conflict along racial lines. In both cases the manipulation is geared toward heightening the emotional response among African-Americans to a perceived widespread anti-black conspiracy.

Not that it’s very funny, but it’s an old joke by now how knee-jerk accusations of racism are slung at anyone who dares to criticize the words or actions of Barrack Hussein Obama. These accusations are hurled with straight faces after some 95% of registered (living, legal) black voters cast their ballots for the candidate whose skin color is most like their own.

Whereas the abolitionists and Republican-led civil rights efforts concentrated on assimilation–that is, equality by assuring individual rights are protected regardless of the ethnic background of the individual; the Democrat hijacking of the Civil Rights movement has concentrated on Balkanization via racial identity, locking minorities into subcultures that would increasingly identify themselves as victim classes. Of course there is little difference between the political parties anymore. They differ in degrees; not principle. It’s more like a good cop/bad cop skit than an actual two-party system.

In the wake of both the Trayvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri media blitzes, I witnessed an avalanche of stories about black-on-white crime that goes unreported by the mainstream media, as well as photos and reports which reveal the martyrs in this brewing race war are not the innocent victims they are cracked up to be. I didn’t help spread any of this–not because I endorse or approve of censorship, double standards, selective reporting and agenda-driven journalism, but because sparking a significant backlash regarding this topic could possibly cause exactly the sort of racist zeitgeist that the Victim Status Addicts (VSAs) imagine lurking behind every tree.

race-card-obamaThe backlash will likely occur even without my assistance. White male heterosexuals are feeling increasingly disenfranchised already. They’re the only demographic without a host of advocacy groups, scholarships, PACs, sympathizers, etc.; they’re the only ones for whom it is considered unacceptable to express pride in their ethnicity, sex or sexuality…and the list goes on.

Those who are manipulatable through their emotions, of whatever genetic strand, are already harboring resentment for those who are ethnically different because of what’s going on. And of course a bigot (of whatever color) is usually blind to the racial prejudice within themselves.

With the looming financial collapse in North America, the trigger-happy militarized police and some other factors, it won’t take much at all to inflate the current race-based suspicions and resentment into full-blown hatred. And it’s not hard to imagine how that will lead to organized violence. A very costly lesson is ready to be learned: nationalism is not dangerous only when embraced by German socialists; it will bring out the ugliness of the carnal heart within any faction.

Sadly, the Church is not immune. Among African-Americans in particular, self-identity is most often defined as black first; Christian second (at best); American last. And few have the courage to suggest there’s anything wrong with that.

The melting pot has become a powder keg.

Israel is Nazi Germany? Hamas are victims?

There are certain “isms” in history that were such failures, and/or so overtly evil that one would expect them to never raise their ugly heads again because the world is wise to them.

Unless one is Biblically informed, that is.

The enemy of your soul, however, is a master of manipulating language. Most media-educated people assume socialism is dead, for instance, because communists now are called “liberals” and fascists are called “progressives.” And anti-Semitism is now on the rise around the world, disguised as “anti-zionism.”

Anti-Semitism is swelling up within a majority of European populations, with the USA lagging behind by about 20 %. Certainly the Muslim influx into these respective nations has something to do with this, but ignorance and reprobate minds, fed by the false prophets of network news, are causing non-Muslims to hate Israel as well.

Just as a look at the demographics in the USA after the 2004 elections warned that America’s national suicide would only accelerate as succeeding generations (and waves of illegal immigrants) grew old enough to vote, a look at the demographics now shows that prophetic fulfilment of Israel’s utter isolation in the world is just around the corner. While a majority of the older generations in America still sympathize with Jews, a majority of the younger generation sees Israel as a villain.

Most alarming is that this same anti-Semitism is making itself known inside the Church, too.

It shouldn’t surprise us. Rather than influencing the world for good, the Church is reflecting the attitudes and “values” of the world in every issue from homosexuality, feminism and politics, to Biblical relevance.

The cowards of Hamas attack civilian targets in Israel, then hide behind their women and children. Israel feeds the people in Gaza, gives them free medical care, does everything feasible to minimize collateral damage among the families of the terrorists, yet the false prophet press swaps the victims for the perpetrators in their mantra-like narrative.

The media has been calling evil good and good evil increasingly for decades now–especially when it comes to Israel and the “Palestinians.” But the agitprop is evidently more effective than ever on weak, reprobate minds.

The Bible warned us that all nations would turn against Israel at the end. Here we are.

More and more, some Israelis are speaking up with a message something like this: “To blazes with world opinion. The world is going to hate us no matter what we do, unless we let ourselves be wiped off the face of the Earth. We might as well roll into Gaza with all guns blazing and put an end to this problem permanently. They couldn’t hate us more than they already do.”

In time, I suspect this is exactly what will happen. When the USA either completely turns against them, and/or becomes insignificant in world politics after our financial destruction (both of which are showing signs of manifesting soon) Israel will take off the kid gloves and stomp flat all the nations alluded to in Psalm 83. This will finally give them some security from the terror they’ve been suffering since 1948; a treasure trove of natural resources; territories that extend to the boundaries promised to Abraham by the Lord; and probably a big head. The IDF will leap toward the top of the world in perceived formidability, and they won’t quite be ready for the world war predicted in Ezekiel 38-39, when the invading armies of a massive coalition swarm down on them like a cloud covering the land.